Starting Lazy Mule Farm: Search for ground

Today is March 1st, the sun is shining and the snow is melting in Wallowa County. Spring is palpable, and we should be getting our mules in shape to start plowing up the first acres of Lazy Mule Farm. I’m sure many of you, farmers and non-farmers alike, have experienced setbacks that knock you off your feet for a second or two. That is part of the beauty of farming, and of life: Change happens. Sometimes its as small and natural as the days growing longer minute by minute, sometimes it’s as big and dauntingas losing the ground you had planned to cultivate.

This time it was the latter for us, but we are happy to say that it came with minor cost as we had not yet made any large purchases or investments in that space. The important thing is that we have not lost our drive or our passion, and we will be bringing mule-powered fresh produce to the county somewhere and at some point in the near future! We just can’t say with any certainty when or where that will happen. Indeed change is happening, the days are getting longer and our farm is out there waiting for us.


It takes a village