3rd Annual Lazy Mule Farm Plowing Bee

Join us for a fun weekend of horse-drawn plowing!

Before tractor farming, neighboring farmers would bring their teams of horses together in spring to help each other plow ground in preparation for planting. In that same spirit, we are hosting our second annual plowing bee, hoping to gather as many teams and teamsters from near and far to help us plow a new field out of sod. We invite anyone with an interest in horse-drawn farming to join us! The event is free and family friendly. There will be a lunch potluck on Saturday, a wagon ride for the kids, time to meet the mules, and an opportunity for anyone to try running the plow handles. More details below!

Saturday May 18th, 2024 - The Main Event

We plan to plow rain or shine - although rain does tend to make everything a bit messier and we will pray for sun! Start time will be around 10 am, with teams and teamsters gathering at 9 am to get the first few furrows dug and the plows running smoothly. We will take a break for lunch around 12:30 which will be potluck style. After lunch we’ll get a team harnessed for a kids wagon ride around the farm at 2 pm, while the teams and teamsters continue to make progress on the field. The event will go until about 4 pm.

Sunday May 19th, 2024 - Finish the job

Sunday will be a shorter morning session since our traveling teams will need to make their way home. The home team will probably continue to plow most of the day, depending on how much is left. If you aren’t able to stop by on Saturday, feel free to come watch or try the plow handles!

Teamster Information:

We would love to welcome anyone who wants to bring their team or single. There is plenty of room for truck and trailer parking. There is space available for overnight grazing, one 16x16 stall, extra water troughs. Your more than welcome to camp at the farm. The entire property is perimeter fenced. Divisions can easily be made with electic fencing we have on hand. If you bring your own electric fence, we could park your rig on pasture and you could build your own small enclosure. Additionally we only have 2 walking plows which will most likely be in use, if you have a plow please bring it. Reach out with any questions.

Contact Jess at lazymuleproduce@gmail.com, or shoot us a message via social media to RSVP with a potluck dish to share!

Location: Lazy Mule Farm
65366 Alder Slope Rd, Enterprise, OR

Date: May 18th and 19th, 2024

Time: May 18th: 10am-4pm with lunch potluck at 12:30 and kids wagon ride at 2pm
May 19th: 9am-noon